Niman's Way Candleworks
Atlas - The Wonderdog Fundraiser
Battle Buddy Fundraiser
In Honor of Those Who Serve
The Bridal Party
Here In This House
Fragrance Selection: "Gone to the Dogs" A thru M
Fragrance Selection "Gone to the Dogs" N - Z
Fragrance Selection Aromatherapy
Fragrance Selection - Meditation
Fragrance Selection - Simply Floral
Fragrance Selection for the Men - White Dragon fragrances
Special Fragrances & Limited Editions
How To Order 8 oz Candles
How To Order 12 oz Candles
Very Special Links
The Bride and Groom
Q & A, It is all about the fragrance!
Contact Us

Our Mission Has Changed.  

In Honor of Those Who Serve
We are truly humbled by your dedication and sacrifice

There comes a time in life, when one realizes that the amount of money one can make, is no longer the motivator:  the reflection in the mirror one sees, is not self, but others; that life isn't necessarily about our own comfort zone, but stepping away from a  personal safety circle, to help someone else arrive at, and maintain, their own. 
 K. Van Niman, CEO, Niman's Way Candleworks

The world and mankind will always have struggle.  Our brains are wired for conflict, because in successfully dealing with conflict, we survive.  But, there are those who are finding the struggle more than the common traffic snarl up, the wrong latte flavor, or late charges on a credit card.  Their struggle is in reliving a traumatic event day after day after day.  Whether it is watching an accident on the freeway that had horrible consequences, a police officer who can't get the faces out of his mind, or the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) of a brain trauma combat veteran whose claim at the VA is years old.  Because meeting and connecting with people who have suffered the greatest, Niman's Way Candleworks has changed our focus from profit driven to benefit driven.  We will use our products to raise money and awareness of those who have given the most and suffered the greatest: our soldiers and first responders.

USMC simplicitor Optimus - Simply the Best
In Honor of Those Who Serve

Niman's Way Candleworks is announcing the following:

1.  Our "In Honor of Those Who Serve" collection will become a permanent collection. 15% of the GROSS SALES will be donated to organizations that assist with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, primarily with combat veterans.

2. Niman's Way Candleworks will, periodically, hold fundraisers to assist PTSD and other combat related injured veterans acquire therapy dogs via recognized, established organizations whose primary function is to do the same.

3. Niman's Way Candleworks will promote, support and sponsor, through our website and other media, the sale of our products to benefit those who are first responders, who work to defend our freedoms in the USA, and who have given tirelessly,  and at great sacrifice of themselves, but who still suffer the trauma of events.
4. Our company policy will be:   maintaining the highest quality of products and best customer service;  to strive to increase our customer base;  to ensure the highest monetary donations possible are donated to the cause and organizations stated above.  In order to stay in business, every company has to make expenses, costs and maintain a profit.  However, Niman's  Way Candleworks  will focus our success not on the bottom line, but on how much we can give away.  We sincerely believe that our customers will agree.

Thank you for your support.  Kid, Kid Jr. and Atlas:  you have left your mark on me.  Email: